Thursday, January 15, 2009

....and then there was today

So here's the deal...I didn't update my blog and then I didn't update it again and again and again until I just didn't want to deal with it :) but I've recently changed my mind (thank you Teen) and I am once again on the blog wagon. Since there is so much that I actually haven't written about we'll just forget those things and start with the most recent event...the family vaca!
New Character: Helly-the Lexus (a.ka. our car)
So, like 12 days ago or something we all packed up our bags, loaded them in the car (that was a sight because there was so much stuff that nobody could see out the back window), plugged into our ipods and headed out for Arizona, birthplace of the amazingly wonderful AMANDA. I was worried about how this road trip would turn out, you know squished in the tiny back seat of Helly but it was actually pretty fun. We headed to Vegas first, we got there at night when it was all lit up and pretty. There wasn't time to do much but check out the water show at the Bellagion. Oh! Yeah, I went to a casino that night wearing a shirt that had my driver license on one side and my birth certificate on the other. I still got carded four times but I ended up winning 4 buckaroos playing blackjack! Anyway, we settled into the condo for the night and enjoyed a few hours of sleep.

We got to Arizona the next day and had much to do in the way of visiting people I don't remember but who remember me (anyone else think that's creepy?). It was fun to visit these strangers. We did other stuff too like go to the mall and swimming. We saw cactuses and trees with exotic fruits on them.

On the way home we stoppped in Vegas for another night. We ended up at the M&M World which was totally fabulously chocolate filled and delicious. The vacation was fun but there's nothing like coming home!

So, that's all for now, more on the wonderful amazing life later! Toodles (also in honor of Teen)

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