Monday, February 1, 2010

Jan...Chicken Salad

Jan is the chicken salad lady. Jan is very nice...she has awful teeth, a raspy man voice, and very tattered clothes. I love it when Jan comes in. She comes in like clockwork on the first day of the month and the fifteenth day of the month. You see, this is when Jan receives her social security check. When she comes in she purchases her food for the WHOLE week. She buys two 12" chicken salad sandwichs, 4 bottles of iced tea and a large broccoli salad. Today she switched things up a bit and got her chicken salad sandwiches (she likes extra cheese, pickles and every dressing we have on these) and she also purchased two 12" roast beef sandwiches. She also likes the cheesecake but today we were out. She is always so sweet and she always says to me "take your time hun, it's a big order so just take your time" and it's super great!
Jan doesn't really have a lot but she is always so happy. It makes me grateful for the blessings in my life but seeing her every couple of weeks also makes me think that with all I have, I should be as happy as she is. She's good at making the most of what she has been given and I need to do the same!