Friday, November 14, 2008

Interview #2

I called a man about scheduling an interview this morning and he's like "can you come in an hour", whoa! I said "of course, I'll be there!" So, I went to this guy's house (he runs his business from home) and knocked on the door. He came to the door...IN HIS PAJAMAS! And he was talking on the phone so I waited for like five minutes for him to finish his phone call then we just chatted. Well, the interview was more of a visit than a formal interview. As the "visit" was winding down he said "well, I want to hire you, is that okay?" Is that okay? That's more than okay. I am officially an employee of United Wildlife. My job duties are as follows: Research how to trap small animals such as skunks, raccoons and little tiny mice, write articles about it for the website, other odd jobs my employer wants me to do (such as typing his personal history). I will be working from home and in his office if I am needed there for any reason. It pays decent and I agreed to 20 hours per week but more if I want. So, the job hunt is OVER, what a relief!

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