Monday, June 22, 2009

Boredom and emails

Boredom is one of those things I don't handle well which is why the weekend was somewhat....shall we say difficult? Here's the run down
The parental units hopped a plan to san fran on Tuesday night so it was me and the sistas, great fun. Wednesday was B-O-R-I-N-G with a capital b-o-r-i-n-g (as you can clearly see). Basically I sat around and stared at the computer screen waiting for emails to come saying there was an appraisal order. You see, if you don't click on the email immediately you don't get the order. After a while this became very entertaining. It's like a game and you're playing against every other appraiser in Utah and then you get an order and a victory dance is absolutely necessary...haha suckers!! I got it first! Okay, so that was Wednesday. Thursday I took Tim to Lagoon fairly early. I dropped her off and the rain was SO hard and it was scary. I was sure I was going to die before I made it home but alas...I did not. I also had therapy and went to Orem to see the big D. It was a rather boring day as well. Friday I stared at the computer again. Saturday I baked a cheesecake for my padre to show my love for him on Father's Day. This cheesecake is a monster! It took me about four hours but it was totally fun. On Saturday night Tim and I went to get the mammasita and daddy-o from the airport.
Other stuff that I just want to say:
  • Lily is doing amazingly well since her pretty purple and pink bandage came off. She's running around absolutely CRAZY and her hip is staying right where it should be. I'm sure she's glad that she can walk normally again. She does miss the color though, it sort of made her eyes POP. So cute.
  • There is a sticker in my pants and it's really bugging me...seriously.
  • Who the heck puts a carnival in the middle of an intersection?
  • I'm staring at the computer screen again. I've made it my goal in life to get every stinkin' email that comes across. P.S. I've got two orders already which pretty much makes me not the biggest loser! Poor other appraisers, I dare them to mess with me and my mad mouse skills.
  • T.R. Knight is officially leaving Grey's Anatomy *tear* I love you George....
  • The Offspring is rocking my socks off right now. I LURVE them!

Tip of the day: Wait for the PB bars to cool before you put the PB on or it will melt

1 comment:

Teen said...

I'm so glad you sent an e-mail to notify me that your blog has been updated. And by the way, the new design is cute, cute. It's always good reading.