Thursday, March 26, 2009

The mighty huntress...

In the red corner...Little man weighing in at 7 lbs 4 ounces
In the blue corner...Lily weighing in at 2 lbs 5 ounces
This is gonna be one heck of a fight folks!!!!

Lily thinks she is tough and in all her 2.5 lb glory she decided to take on the cat. Of course, she had no idea that the cat is actually twice her size and could easily claw her face off. She barked repeatedly at him and followed him around. He didn't seem to mind at first but as most little people tend to do...she got annoying which annoyed him and he took the first swing. Lily was not going to back down without a fight so she continued barking in the cat's face...the second swing and then the third. Lily backed off and went on to bigger and better things like taking a nap in the sunshine. After I put the cat out, Lily again attempted to eat him this time through the window and the best part is she tried to do it while wearing a pink dress that just screamed "I AM LILY AND I AM GOING TO KILL YOU"

I love ya Lily!

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