Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Announcing...the new BABY!

No, it's not MY baby! Let me start at the beginning...Felina is a horse, a big big black horse (by the way, she stepped on my foot and I'm pretty sure that every toe is broken) anyway, over the summer last year it was thought that she was pregnant but she never seemed to grow any bigger (lucky, huh?) so that thought was pushed aside quickly. Well, it turns out that there was indeed a little chicklet in there and it arrived at 5:00 a.m. this morning. I wasn't there obviously. I had better things to do like sleep. The baby is a dark gray color, at first I was unsure whether it was a he or a she so I called it a shim. It has since been confirmed that it is a girl. I can't believe how cute she is. I hope my babies are so cute and fuzzy. The best part is that she likes me. She let me touch her and everything! I have a feeling that I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time in the barn watching the baby do baby things. For your ooohing and ahhing pleasure....a picture:

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