Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's a lovely Saturday morning and SURPRISE I started enjoying it at 2:45 a.m. aren't you supposed to sleep in on the weekends?!? I don't understand.

Here's the deal for real: I rode two horses yesterday and WHOA was it exhausting! First I rode Rocket and then I rode my Kyah my own horse (p.s. I cut her bangs and she looks so freakin' cute!!!). Rocket did pretty well, he kept trying to pull a fast one on me but HAHAHA (insert evil laugh here) it didn't work. Kyah was slightly more difficult to get to cooperate but alas, I did get her to cooperate better than ever before. We loped and jogged and walked aimlessly through the weeds and random horse bones while enjoying the scenery and nice warm-ish weather. I love my horse! OH! While feeding the chickens yesterday the rooster accidentally escaped causing all sorts of stress because of his annoyingness. Apparently he is going to be caught or shot in the head. I guess this ends the post for the day. Oh by the way leave some stinking comments because I like them :)

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